This is happening on daily basis and there seem to be no sign that it will end anytime soon. You must have come across many websites that promote a unique program called autosurf. They advertise their programs everywhere and invest $1000s on advertisements in various ways to attract prospects. Any visitor to these websites will be impressed, not only with their beauty but with their business plans as well. One thing is common among these websites. They all claim to run paid advertisement/investment services and promised to return your money in full after 16, 13 or even 10 days with additional 40% profit or thereabout.
How does it work? The rule is very simple. You purchase an ad pack costing a certain amount say, $10. The maximum spend at a time is mostly fixed at $10000. Featured ads are charged differently (about $25 a week). To make money, you must view a specific number of advertisers websites to earn a given percentage profit on your deposit. At the end of the stated period (10, 13 or 16 days as the case may be), your purchased ad packs expires and your deposit returned with the total profit.
One might be a bit skeptical initially because of the program's resemblance with HYIPs. It looks too good to be true. But when you carefully study the entire settings of the program, you may find it somewhat reasonable. It is in view of this that many people have innocently decided to make a minimal spend to test the program and its claims. It is when your ad packs expire and you are then qualified to withdraw your rebates in full that you will get the real picutre of the whole thing. You may be surprised that when you return the following day to do that, you money making website cannot be found anywhere on the Internet. It would have disappeared completely. Many have been scammed this way.
I have just written this to warn all the opportunity seekers to be careful of the auto surf websites that spring up nowadays claiming to pay their members for placing ads on them. Most of them are scams. They are out to rip you off. The disappearance of some of them, such as Maxivolo is a pointer to this fact. Who knows how many people that have invested hundreds and thousands of dollars on these websites hoping to get something out of it only to realize at the end that they have thrown their hard earned money into the hands of ruthless fraudsters.
As of the time of writing this article, many of these auto-surf websites are still being advertised by some people as a credible and fantastic money making program. I know these guys are not tired of developing new systems and strategies so that they will be able to scam more people. Please, don't go near them again. Give yourself a break.
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